
Macon County Administrator
Susan B. Thomas – 334.724.2502

The County Administrator supervises the financial operations of the Macon County Commission and ensures that the county maintains sound internal controls in all fiscal operations.  This role has been also known as the County Finance Director.

Specific responsibilities include financial recordkeeping, payroll, purchase orders, bill payments and comprehensive recordkeeping.

This office also acts in a supportive role regarding state and federal grants. Additionally, the County Administrator assists state examiners in the annual audit process to ensure that Macon County is financially and legally compliant.

During elections, the County Administrator pays poll workers, pays bills related to the election and collects information to justify reimbursement requests submitted to the state.

After bids have been awarded by the Macon County Commission, the County Administrator signs the paperwork and is responsible for files on all bids. The recordkeeping also extends to the minutes of the County Commission meetings and documenting the bid awards.

To assist with these varied functions, the County Administrator relies on support staff which include the Accounting Clerk, the Accounts Payable Clerk, the Human Resource Director and the County Treasurer.